Raw vegan sushi

My newest discovery: making raw vegan sushi !!
It’s not only super healthy and fresh but also extraordinary tasty !!!
The most important things which shouldn’t be missing in a raw vegan sushi for me is avocado and sweet potato !
Here are a few ingredients I’m using: Continue reading “Raw vegan sushi”

Pure food and wine – raw vegan cuisine in New York

Found a super healthy tasty and cozy restaurant in lower Manhattan!
A whole raw vegan menu with one of the best raw food desserts I ever ate so far!!
If you try to stay healthy and in shape, because here is a lot of great vegan fast food to eat, better make sure you go to this place! Continue reading “Pure food and wine – raw vegan cuisine in New York”

Staying fit in Italy

It’s still a little misery to me how you really can stay in form here in Italy!

Even with a plant based vegan and low sugar nutrition I always get in trouble here with the too good but also too much Italian food!!

So what to do?? Continue reading “Staying fit in Italy”

Day 0 – 20 days Bodystyle Spring Detox

I thought it might be good for new beginners to have a day 0, a preparation day for all what will happening in these 20 days! So for all who want to try it, here is how you start!!!

So here are the most important points: Continue reading “Day 0 – 20 days Bodystyle Spring Detox”

Day 20 – 20 days Bodystyle Spring Detox

20 days are done !!
My personal goal was reached also before because actually my nutrition is not very different from that 😉 Continue reading “Day 20 – 20 days Bodystyle Spring Detox”

Day 19 – 20 days Bodystyle Spring Detox


On day 19 I had my fly to Rome! Even with getting up at 5 in the morning I managed to make me a big blueberry smoothy to have energy for bringing all that luggage with me 😉
So eating clean us really a question if organizing and time managing! But at the end to make a smoothy needs even less time than to make a sandwich it something like this, because you just throw all in your blender and while it blends you can already do other things! Continue reading “Day 19 – 20 days Bodystyle Spring Detox”

Day 18 – 20 days Bodystyle Spring Detox

As already mentioned, what you are drinking has also a big effect on gaining or loosing weight. And also just for having a healthy nutrition.
Or example you should be careful with drinking fruit juices! Fruits are healthy! Drinking it as a juice of course too! But it depends how!
If you wanna drink fruit juice the best way is to juice it directly by yourself!
Or make a smoothy out of this! And even better add so e greens and it will be even more benefit your health!
Fruit juices from the supermarket lost often most of its vitamins and what’s left is just sugar! And even worse, to some even sugar is added which is the worst possibility because white industrial sugar is super unhealthy!
Soft drinks should be completely avoided because they are normally loaded with sugar and many other things you don’t wanna have in your body! The light versions are mostly even much more worse for your health!
Alcohol of course also is a drink you should avoid! Besides that it is just poison for the body, the body also sees it exactly like this and makes it the highest priority to put this poison out of your body, so that other important things like digestion are on second place to do! So especially if you drink in the evening it will make it easy to gain weight for your body!
What is good for detoxing and cleaning your body, is to drink warm water with lemon or apple vinegar! It also will help you against hunger attacks!
When I want to be sure to not drink some crap I just drink water, tea without something added or fresh squeezed juices or smoothies!
Healthier, better for staying it getting in shape and if your body is not used this sugary stuff anymore much more tastier!! 🙂
So this day 18 was celebrated with a jasmine ice tea with orange and cranberry juice and fresh lime and mint leaves at all vegan restaurants Kopps in Mitte.


Day 17 – 20 days Bodystyle Spring Detox

Day 17 I had the change to eat all day the newest raw food dishes included sweets like chocolate cakes and ice cream!!
It’s incredible how good and tasty you can eat while detoxing!!
The good thing on raw food products is that there can’t be unhealthy because there will be no sugar added and they are made gluten free and dairy free! Besides you eat raw meat or eggs which would be the opposite of healthy eating and is not the raw food nutrition I’m talking about 😉
I got much inspiration for healthy recipes after spending there a whole day and trying more or less everything what they offered in 2 big halls !! 😉
Hope this pictures will inspire you too!!












Day 16 – 20 days Bodystyle Spring Detox

Day 16 i started with just jumping out of my bed, playing a few of my favorite songs and doing push ups, sit ups and squats. More wasn’t planned but at the end I totally forgot the time and made also a few pole exercises and yes… Just started to dance 😉
One of the best ways to start the day! Was actually an idea of one of our Bodystyle Spring Detox girls! So thanks a lot for this!! Will do it from now on as often as I can!! This makes you start the day in a super good mood!
If you then also have a green smoothy for breakfast the day is started so healthy and good that the rest can only be awesome 😉
Start the day well and the rest will come into place!!
